
Spain wants to help Greta Thunberg cross the ocean

WaltCosby 04 Nov 2019

The Spanish government is ready to help Greta Thunberg cross the Atlantic to Madrid in time to attend the climate change conference.

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New Delhi is engulfed in pollution

PatriciaKocurek 04 Nov 2019

India: Misty fog covered New Delhi during a record air pollution, causing many flights to be delayed or diverted.

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Musicians are returning the old guitar more than 300,000 USD

DanaSueVeach 03 Nov 2019

UK musician Stephen Morris received his 310-year-old 310-pound violin (£ 323,000) after leaving it on a train in London.

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Russia investigates videos of children talking to gay people

Russian police launched an investigation into "sexual violence" related to the LGBT community video series for talking with children.

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Leonardo DiCaprio praised Greta Thunberg

JimmythatCarroll 03 Nov 2019

Movie actor Leonardo DiCaprio said it was an honor to meet Greta Thunberg and call her "leader of the times".

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Detected more than $ 100,000 in cash buried underground

A group of workers found cash worth about US $ 135,000 buried underground while demolishing a home in Queensland.

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Brazil catches the world's notorious traffickers

Brazilian police in collaboration with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested Saifullah Al-Mamun, who smuggled migrants to the United States.

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The elephant is named Osama bin Laden

WalterPurdion 02 Nov 2019

India: The Matia villagers in Assam state have named a ferocious male elephant "Laden", after terrorist boss Osama bin Laden.

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The dog sworn in office in the prosecutor's office

ShellyMae 02 Nov 2019

A two-year-old dog was sworn in an Illinois state prosecutor's office to assist children who were sexually assaulted.

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Miss Russia first showed off the son of the former king of Malaysia

BonnieCrossman 02 Nov 2019

Russian beauty Oksana Voevodina first shared a clear picture of Leon's son and continued to affirm that his father was the former king of Malaysia.

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