
Chinese ships increased close to the Philippines

Hannah Fatunase 10 Jul 2021

Song, Chinese marine militants increased the number of Filippinos 5 years after the international court ruled to reject 9-piece lines.

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German agent helped the Soviet Union overturned the World War II chess board

Thanks to the intelligence provided by Richard Sorge, the Soviet Union shall deal with the German invasion and rotate the battlefield.

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Chinese newspapers say Japanese 'self-digging "if Taiwan intervention

Global Times assumed that Japan would suffer failure and self-grave himself if the US military intervention in the Taiwan issue.

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The US campaign dumped the 'Democratic maintenance' in Haiti in 1994

When the US soldiers landed in Haites nearly 27 years ago, they were welcomed by the crowd of Ho Chi Minh City in Port-au-Prince.

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The United States can bring troops to Haiti after the President's assassination

Conika Yates 08 Jul 2021

Professor Fatton said the US could bring troops to intervene in Haiti after the Moise President was assassinated at his home.

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Philippines thanks to the US decoding black box transportation

The Philippine army will send the black box of the C-130 transport to the US to the US expert to download and analyze the internal data.

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Afghanistan surprised when the United States withdrew military at midnight

Jomz Grajo 07 Jul 2021

American soldiers turn off the power and pulled out the Bagram base at midnight without notice, causing the Afghan government army completely unexpectedly.

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Korean generals are arrested for sexual harassment

Jodie Roll 06 Jul 2021

The Korean two-star army was arrested for lower-level female sexual harassment, marking the latest crimes that made the army of Chao island.

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The reason can make Filipino transport in distress

Tiffany Alipater 06 Jul 2021

Route roads and pilots are difficult to manipulate the full aircraft that can be the causes of the Filipino C-130H.

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'Holy destroying' the Soviet Union made fascist madness head

Derek Hall 05 Jul 2021

Colonel Starinov destroyed 256 bridges and made more than 12,000 enemy cars derail thanks to skillful skills, causing him to be called holy destruction.

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