IS hard to find 'solid head' replacing Baghdadi
The death of the leader of Baghdadi is said to be a blow to the IS, because this notorious terrorist group can hardly choose a suitable replacement.
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IS hard to find 'snake head' to replace Bahgdadi
The death of the leader of Baghdadi is said to be a blow to the IS, because this notorious terrorist group can hardly choose a suitable replacement.
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Loose control in entry to the UK
In 2018, about 3.6 million trucks and containers entered the UK through 40 major ports, but most were not inspected.
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The thorny path after the US-China truce
The first-phase trade deal between Washington and Beijing once again raises hope, but comprehensive solutions are far-fetched.
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Turkey's victory in a truce in Syria
Ankara is said to have achieved everything it wanted after a deal with Washington to suspend a military operation in Syria for five days.
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The challenge on the way out of US troops in Syria
Retreating in a hurry, American soldiers are easily exposed to risks such as unexpected clashes or IS attacks.
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Trump is hard to 'hold back' his impeachment investigation
Trump claimed he was not worried about the impeachment investigation but White House officials were increasingly bewildered.
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Kim Jong-un's implication when riding a white horse on a sacred mountain
The North's announcement of Kim's white horse riding on Mount Paektu appears to signal a major transformation step is about to take place.
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Trump's 'wind' with Turkey
The sanctions Trump has just launched against Turkey are not enough to deter and even benefit Ankara.
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Reason Trump - Episode 'ceasefire'
"Trade ceasefire" last week's trade war helped Trump - Xi win at a time of pressure.
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