Germany pledges an additional US $ 500 million for Ukraine
The German government will provide an additional $ 500 million in military aid to Ukraine, mostly expected to be handed over next year.
continue readingThe German government will provide an additional $ 500 million in military aid to Ukraine, mostly expected to be handed over next year.
continue readingGarbage is thrown across the area to organize the music festival in his Reading city, after about 100,000 people here attend the event.
continue readingBeijing extended the blockade that lasted more than a week to stop the second Covid-19 wave, after collecting about three million nCoV test samples.
continue readingJapanese police today arrested 42-year-old Shinji Aoba, who was suspected of setting fire to an animation studio at Kyoto Animation that left 36 people dead last year.
continue readingThe Korean Agency for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed a Vietnamese infected with nCoV in Deagu city, the center of Covid-19 epidemic.
continue readingHeathrow airport authorities blockade 8 planes after some passengers showed symptoms of corona virus infection.
continue readingChina agreed to pay for a stadium and library in El Salvador after the island nation cut ties with Taiwan.
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