
British minister revealed the assistant kiss in the office

Hancock Secretary of Hancock was accused of adultery and violating the Code of Translations when revealing Coladangelo assistant photos in the office.

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Cambodia Vaccine Covid-19 for her 101 year old

Ms. Ho Kham, 101 years old, became the oldest person in Cambodia Vaccine Covid-19.

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Pakistani Prime Minister said women were raped for wearing 'lack of fabric'

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was criticized for saying that sexual attacks increased by women wearing a fabric.

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Former Trump lawyer was deprived of a license

Giuliani, former Trump's lawyer, suspended for practicing licenses for unfounded allegations in last year elections.

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Photos before and after the 12-storey apartment building in the US

The two photos were taken before and after the apartment collapse in Miami Beach city showed the terrible destruction in the rare accident in the United States.

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The 12-storey apartment in the US collapsed

The shocking video shows that the moment of apartments in Miamni Beach collapsed, causing at least one person to die, many injured and 51 people are still missing.

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Mr. Ncov positive for 10 months

Phil Will 24 Jun 2021

72-year-old grandfather NCOV is 43 times, hospitalized 7 times in 10 months and has planned for his funeral, but now has gone.

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Vietnam welcomes US sharing vaccines

Aubrey Bettie 24 Jun 2021

Vietnam welcomed and exchanged with the US soon to receive the Covid-19 vaccine lots shared by the country, according to the Foreign Ministry spokesman.

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Case of a record increase, pushing Brazil into Covid-19 Tuesday

Brazil recorded a record of more than 115,000 new cases, the highest level from the translation, when the Ministry of Health confirmed the appearance of the third Covid-19 wave.

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Russia warned Delta 'booming' strains

Vincent Neron 23 Jun 2021

Russian officials warned the spread of the explosion of the Delta strain, when the number of new cases and death increased rapidly.

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