72-year-old grandfather NCOV is 43 times, hospitalized 7 times in 10 months and has planned for his funeral, but now has gone.

I gave up hope with myself.


Photo: BBC

His wife is Ms. Linda to be isolated with her husband at home.

Ed Moran, a consultant on infectious diseases at Bristol University, said the virus works in Mr. Smith.

We were able to prove it by sending his virus to university partners.

Mr. Dave Smith shared with this week's press after Covid-19.

Mr. Smith recovered after being treated with a synthetic antibody drug developed by the US Regeneron Biotechnology Company.

The clinical trial results published this month show that this treatment reduces the risk of death in heavy Covid-19 patients, who cannot afford immunity.

It was like I was returned to my life, Mr. Smith said.

He became a bottle of champagne celebrating the day he received negative test results, 45 days after being treated with Regeneron drugs and 305 days after the first positive test.

Treatment for Mr. Smith was not part of the official medical test, but his case was currently studied by the Virus of Andrew Davidson at Bristol University.

Where does the virus hide in the body?

Mr. Smith has a history of lung disease and from blood cancer before NCOV infection in March 2020.

I used to be extremely desperate and now everything is very busy, he shared.