American embassy in Afghanistan cancel sensitive documents
The US Embassy in Kabul on August 13 ordered employees to remove sensitive documents that could be used by the Taliban to propagate, when the rebels are approaching the capital.
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Pfizer, Moderna earns billions of dollars from an enhanced injection
Pharmaceutical companies produce two Vaccine Covid-19 Pfizer and Moderna scheduled to collect billions of dollars from the third injections.
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Russia consecutively recorded the die from Covid-19 a record high
Russia two consecutive days recorded more than 800 deaths by Covid-19, in the context of this country being dealing with the third epidemic outbreak.
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WHO officials said China put pressure in Covid-19 investigation
Head of WHO's Covid-19 originating delegation said China put pressure on the NCOV hypothesis leaking from Wuhan Laboratory.
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Covid-19 Lan like forest fire in the US
In just a month, Covid-19 spreads like forest fires in the US, causing more than 98% of residents living in a significant or high risk of infection.
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Millionaires shot deadly because they idea are bears
Igor Redkin Enjoying accidentally shooting a man near Ozernovsky village at the beginning of the month because of the mistake of brown bears.
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WHO requires China to provide additional data of Covid-19
WHO continues to call China to share raw data from the original Covid-19 CAs to resume the unchanged origin.
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London police consider considering Prince Andrew case
Mr. Director of London Police Department said he was considering the record but would not open investigation with Prince Andrew, who was sued for sexual abuse.
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Hungary gave Vietnam 100,000 doses of vaccines
The Hungarian Government donated Vietnam 100,000 doses of Astrazeneca Vaccine and 100,000 quick antibody testers to deal with Pandemic Covid-19.
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Fauci: will inject an enhanced person to reduce the immune system
The leading epidemiologist Anthony Fauci will soon have a third-nose recommendation for people with declining immune systems.
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