Mr. Director of London Police Department said he was considering the record but would not open investigation with Prince Andrew, who was sued for sexual abuse.
Director of London Police Department Cressida Dick today said London police are working with prosecutors to consider the case before Virginia Giuffre sues Prince Anh Andrew in the US Federal Court this week.

Photo: AFP.
Because of what's going on, I asked the staff to review the record, Dick said.
Prince Andrew participated in the 75th anniversary of Bruges Liberation, the capital of West Vlaanderen, Belgium, on September 7, 2019.
Giuffre, 38 years old, one of the people who sued Jeffrey Epstein American prince billionaire, accused Prince Andrew, 61, to attack her sex in 2001, when she was 17 years old.
Of course we are willing to work with foreign authorities, Dick expressed.
Giuffre accused Epstein forced himself with Andrew.