Igor Redkin Enjoying accidentally shooting a man near Ozernovsky village at the beginning of the month because of the mistake of brown bears.
The shooting occurred near Ozernovsky Village, Ust-Bolsheretsky County, Kamchatka, Russia, on August 2, causing the man being shot as Andrei Tolstopyatov, 30 years old, killed.

Photo: ??ng N??c Nga th?ng nh?t.
On August 10, Russian Millionaires Igor Redkin was just an animal, said he opened a gun toward the landfill to dispel the brown bear without knowing it was a man.
On August 2, a tragedy happened.
Millionaire Igor Redkin.
Lyudmila Tolstopyatov, the wife of Andrei victims, said her husband earned family farming by regularly collecting scrap in the landfill where the burst.
Redkin, 55, was a unified Russian party member (UR), but was suspended from UR party members after the incident.
Redkin is said to have an income of about 20.4 million USD in the past three years and co-owners of many large companies, including Vityaz Aero Aviation Company and Vityaz Auto Seafood Company.