
Foreign soldiers say Russian artillery is nearly 10 times more than Ukraine

The representative of Ukraine's international army admitted that Russia overwhelmed Ukraine for artillery, calling for the West to fill this gap.

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Health concerns about US presidential candidate

Whether Trump or Biden are elected this year, they will be the oldest president in American history, so their health is of great concern.

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'Underground hunters' Russia discusses on US submarines

The squadron of Tu-142 aircraft circled many times at small altitudes above two American submarines while F-22 fighters were close.

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The number of deaths from pneumonia increased to 169

Chinese officials say the death toll from acute pneumonia has increased to 169 and the number of cases is 7,711.

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US marines smuggled guns

US marines Duroseau was arrested in Haiti after firing guns, bullets and armor in the hopes of becoming the president of Haiti.

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The process of impeachment of Trump may come to a standstill

The United States The American Academy is the place where the impeachment effort at Trump was initiated, but they could not determine his political fate.

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Supporters of Guaido invade the Venezuelan embassy

Brazil About 10 supporters of opposition leader Juan Guaido enter the Venezuelan embassy in Brasilia and confront loyalists with Maduro.

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Erdogan threatened to release ISIS prisoners to Europe

Erdogan warned he would release ISIS prisoners back to European countries after the EU punished Turkey for exploration of gas in the Mediterranean.

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