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The unsuccessful hunt for German Prime Minister

Ashley Baker 27 Aug 2022

Prime Minister Scholz visited Canada in the hope that this country would help Germany resolve the thirst for burning, but what was achieved was not as expected.

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Kim Jong-un sister warned Korea did not exercise with the US

Ashley Baker 01 Aug 2021

Kim Yo-jong, sister Kim Jong-un, warning Korea can sabotage efforts to rebuild the two Korean regions if continuing to exercise with the United States.

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Selling children to take money to bring new wives to travel

Ashley Baker 04 May 2021

China The man in Zhejiang Province was arrested by the police accused of selling two-year-olds, taking money to bring his new wife throughout the country.

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Canada wants Iran to respond to the wrong plane shooting

Ashley Baker 24 Aug 2020

Canada wants Iran to answer many questions about the mistakenly shooting of the Ukrainian plane, saying that the Tehran report does not explain the reason why the missile fired.

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Pompeo: The South China Sea is not China's maritime empire

Ashley Baker 26 Jul 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that Washington had a clear policy on the South China Sea that it was not "China's maritime empire".

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The Wuhan people returned from the dead

AshleyBaker 20 Feb 2020

Eggs with tomato sauce are a dish Yangyang, 28, made to reward himself after winning nCoV and leaving Wuhan hospital.

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Wuhan family in turn infected with corona virus

AshleyBaker 10 Feb 2020

China, Zhang Zhang, 25, helplessly watched each family member in turn infected with the corona virus: grandparents, grandmother, mother, aunt and now brother, when all Wuhan hospitals were overcrowded.

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Trump could be impeached for 'bribing'

AshleyBaker 13 Nov 2019

US House of Representatives The US House of Representatives is considering impeaching Trump for many acts, including bribery, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said.

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New generation rifle model of the US Army

AshleyBaker 29 Oct 2019

The three arms groups showcased the latest models of the US Army's rifles and machine gun project.

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