
Mr. Putin granted civil rights to Edward Snowden

Ryan Lee 26 Sep 2022

Russian President Putin issued Russian citizens to Edward Snowden, who leaked many confidential documents on the US government spy program.

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Brunei detected CA Covid-19 in the community after more than 400 days

Ryan Lee 08 Aug 2021

Brunei is implementing more stringent limited measures after detecting cases in the community for the first time after 15 months.

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He buys vaccine specializing in NCOV South Africa

Ryan Lee 01 Jun 2021

He ordered and promised the funds to develop Astrazeneca vaccine to deal with NCOV beta variants originating from South Africa.

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Trump's disordered picture

Ryan Lee 07 Oct 2020

The White House declared President Trump "the one who got the most Covid-19 test", but they did not say the timing of his results "had the most problems".

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Big bang in Lebanon, 78 dead

Ryan Lee 04 Aug 2020

Two major explosions devastated the port in the Lebanese capital of Beirut yesterday, leaving at least 78 dead and thousands injured.

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William - Harry divided his mother's memorial fund in half

Ryan Lee 07 Jul 2020

William and Harry agreed to divide the proceeds from the future Princess Diana Memorial Fund to the charities of the two.

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Australia 'disillusioned' overcame Covid-19

Ryan Lee 05 Jul 2020

Australia had thought of controlling nCoV, but the blockade of 300,000 people in the Melbourne area showed that the war with Covid-19 was not over.

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Flight like a "lifeboat" leaves Wuhan

RyanLee 04 Feb 2020

When the plane nearly landed in Wuhan, Captain Francisco Javier Martínez surprised to recognize the whole city as a desert.

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Former Playboy model ran for president

RyanLee 15 Oct 2019

CroatiaA former model Ava Karabatic vowed to legalize marijuana, prostitution and prohibit abortion for more than 6 weeks if elected president.

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