
The cruel game behind the 'alien' circle

Rebeca Shreve 04 Jul 2022

The complex circles on the British fields in the 1980s were thought to be an alien phenomenon, before their author appeared.

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Series of American politicians called for recognition of Biden won

Rebeca Shreve 17 Dec 2020

Republican Senator Shelby, Governor of Louisiana Edwards called on Americans to recognize Biden's victory and put the country "to the page".

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More people die from nCoV in Japan, Iran, Italy, France

RebecaShreve 26 Feb 2020

Japan, Iran Italy and France recorded a total of 5 deaths, bringing the number of deaths due to global coronavirus to 2,771.

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Christmas in solitude in America

RebecaShreve 20 Dec 2019

Feeling too lonely, the lady in Tulsa, Oklahoma posted an ad on the page titled "Does anyone need a Santa?"

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Chinese newspapers are optimistic about the trade deal with the US

RebecaShreve 25 Nov 2019

China 's Global Times quoted experts as saying that Beijing and Washington are very close to a partial trade deal.

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France broke terrorist plot

RebecaShreve 18 Oct 2019

French intelligence forced a suspect to plan an attack similar to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said.

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