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South Korea built a reserve warehouse to handle Kim Chi crisis

Jamie Tracy 30 Sep 2022

The Korean government decided to build two giant Chinese cabbage storage facilities, in order to deal with the current Kimchi crisis.

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Pompeo scanned for presidential election 2024

Jamie Tracy 15 Jun 2021

Former US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo released a new political action group before the mid-term election, it seemed targeted to the 2024 Presidential Race.

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Republicans ran out of patience with Trump

Jamie Tracy 07 Jan 2021

It was not until Capitol Hill "fell" because of the rebellion of Trump's supporters that many Republicans lost patience with the President.

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The First Victory Review 75 years ago

Jamie Tracy 23 Jun 2020

The Soviet Union first organized the Victory Review on June 24, 1945, more than a month after the Nazis surrendered to the Allies.

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US F-35A stealth fighter broken

Jamie Tracy 09 Jun 2020

An F-35A crashes in the front landing when landing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, USA, the pilot escaped safely.

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'Headache' when 300 million students are at home

JamieTracy 05 Mar 2020

Gao Mengxian, a security guard in Hong Kong, said her two daughters were constantly asking when they were out to play and go to school.

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Many countries took citizens to leave Wuhan

JamieTracy 27 Jan 2020

Spain, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the United States and Japan plan to bring citizens out of Wuhan, China due to concerns about an acute pneumonia epidemic.

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The plane crashed, 9 people died

JamieTracy 01 Dec 2019

US Pilatus light aircraft PC-12 crashed near Chamberlain City, South Dakota yesterday afternoon, killing nine and injuring three.

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The US Navy Secretary was dissatisfied with Trump in his resignation

JamieTracy 26 Nov 2019

US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer said he could not obey orders he considered "violating the oath" in his resignation on November 24.

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Philippine President fell motorbike

JamieTracy 17 Oct 2019

President Duterte was slightly injured after falling in a motorbike on the premises of the presidential residence and recovering well.

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