The person surrounded the "crocodile god"
Hundreds of Babia funeral, animals are considered a vegetarian crocodile god at a Hindu temple in Kerala.
continue readingHundreds of Babia funeral, animals are considered a vegetarian crocodile god at a Hindu temple in Kerala.
continue readingMany Chinese raced to fall in the price of a normal porcelain vase in the auction in France, with the winner of nearly 8 million euros.
continue readingVirgin Atlantic allows employees to wear any uniform they feel suitable, in which male flight attendants can wear a skirt to work.
continue readingThe FBI handed over the Italian government to the ancient mosaic picture of about 2,000 years old, considered an important part of Rome history.
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continue readingCanadan man in Leroy town in court for driving dangerous means after driving helicopters to Tisdale town to buy ice cream cakes.
continue readingMylorraine Graves was arrested by Oklahoma police after hiding because of the commentary in the employee's wanted post.
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