pneumonia plague


Italians in China 'stuck' between the two regions

LeniBaliza 15 Mar 2020

Sara Platto's mother in Italy once scolded her for being "crazy" for staying in Wuhan when Covid-19 broke out, now she is a reassuring family at home.

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Trump decided not to cancel the campaign

SharathSukumar 08 Mar 2020

Trump said he did not change the campaign schedule, expressed not worried about the Covid-19 situation in the US.

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People with nCoV infection attend the conference with Trump

ConniePereira 08 Mar 2020

A nCoV-infected person participated in a political conference featuring Trump and many government officials near Washington.

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The world tightens over and over because of Covid-19

PrabhuKumar 07 Mar 2020

The number of nCoV infections is increasing day by day around the world and travel between countries is seriously affected.

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Hungary eliminates fake news network about corona virus

CathleenHenson 09 Feb 2020

Hungarian police raided a network of fake news sites about corona virus deaths in the country.

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