Trump into a fine
Trump considers the backing of the mid-term election round candidate 2022 as a tool to reward loyal and retaliators.
continue readingTrump considers the backing of the mid-term election round candidate 2022 as a tool to reward loyal and retaliators.
continue readingTrump's campaign reimbursed 10.7% of the donation to the White House race because many voters were collected more than expected.
continue readingWhile the US House of Representatives voted to consider dismissing President Trump on January 13, a small army was on duty to ensure no further riots occurred.
continue readingTrump's campaign to "overturn" the election has caused rift within the Republican party and the divide is spreading to news outlets that once supported him.
continue readingBiden's Inauguration Committee announced four packages for sponsors wishing to attend the inauguration, including a $ 1 million VIP package.
continue readingBeijing is on high alert as a race to the White House enters its final days.
continue readingTrump wants to hit hard with China to distract public attention from his failures, but this strategy does not seem to be working.
continue readingThe US president has discussed spending $ 100 million out of pocket on the re-election campaign if necessary, according to sources familiar with the matter.
continue readingTrump confidently predicted that the campaign in Tulsa would attract tens of thousands of people, but the empty seats surprised him.
continue readingPutin is considering running for a new term as Russian president if voters agree to change the constitution so he can do this.
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