

Russia punished 25 British officials

Russia today imposed sanctions on 25 British officials in response to a similar move by London in July.

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The Russian-Belarus President is about to meet

Harry Howard 30 Aug 2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarus counterpart Alexander Lukashenko are scheduled to meet in the next few weeks in Moscow.

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The incidence of nCoV in Russia exceeded 400,000

???? ????? ????? 31 May 2020

Russia today recorded an additional 9,268 people infected with nCoV, bringing the country's total number of cases to 405,843.

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Russian doctor was disappointed by the reduced salary between Covid-19

Jeff McDaniel 14 May 2020

Maria, a 24-year-old female doctor in the Moscow suburbs, expected to be paid more if there were patients with nCoV, but in reality her income decreased.

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