EU loses when asking for Astrazeneca to transfer vaccines
The European Union failed in legal attempts to force Astrazeneca to speed up the transfer of 300 million doses of Vaccine Covid-19.
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Chinese nuclear scientist died of the floor
Truong Chieu, one of China's leading nuclear scientists, died on June 17 after falling from a building at Heilongjiang.
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Half a million Indian doctors protest
About half a million doctors marching across India today to ask to protect against attacks from patients and family members.
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Israel sends Palestine a million doses of Vaccine Covid-19 about to expire
Israel will send to Palestinians at least a million doses of Vaccine Covid-19 who are about to expire according to the sharing agreement between the two sides.
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Hong Kong news leader was accused of collusion with foreign countries
Hong Kong police accused the editor-in-chief and the Apple Daily council colleated with foreign forces under the Chinese National Security Law.
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Singaporeans Flocking Vaccine Covid-19 China
Many private clinics in Singapore said the need for Vaccine Covid-19 produced by Sinovac, even though the products of competitors are higher.
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MOSKVA prevents the EURO
Moskva closes a centralized area to watch Euro Euro Championship and prohibits the exercises of football watching by NCOV CAs a record.
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US invested more than three billion USD to develop Covid-19 cure medicine
The Biden government announces an investment of 3.2 billion USD to promote clinical trials of antiviral drugs for Covid-19 treatment.
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ASEAN can spend $ 10.5 million to buy Vaccine Covid-19
Member States asked ASEAN to urgently use $ 10.5 million from Covid-19 response fund to buy vaccines, when translating outbreaks in many countries.
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Biden gives Putin sunglasses
Biden gave Putin sunglasses of gold-based frames by the US company, with a crystal bison statue when the two leaders met the summit.
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