Florida struggles with the most dead Covid-19 epidemic
Mywayne Bright, Director of a Funeral House in Florida, recently consecutively witnessed the pain piled from families who died because of Covid-19.
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Terrorist stabbing in New Zealand has just released in prison for two months
Telling 7 people in the supermarket in New Zealand on September 3 was identified as Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen, immigrant Sri Lanka.
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Terrorist stabbing in New Zealand has just released in prison for two months
Telling 6 people at the supermarket in New Zealand on September 3 was identified as Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen, immigrant Sri Lanka.
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First Lady Lady turned to stand class
First Lady Jill Biden will begin teaching directly at the North Virginia Community University next week, after a year of teaching remotely because of Covid-19.
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CA NCOV increased record, Australia warning translation may be worse
Australia recorded a record of more than 1,700 new NCOV infections, warning this number will also increase and forced officials to accelerate the vaccine deployment.
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CA COVID-19 in the United States skyrocketed because of Delta transformation
The number of cases and deaths caused by Covid-19 in the United States is skyrocketed because the Delta transformation outbreaks seriously in the community, especially in the non-vaccine group.
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Pakistani intelligence cosses to Kabul
The Pakistani Intelligence Agency leader arrived in the Afghanistan capital of Taliban preparing to establish a government.
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America considers maintaining Afghan people aid
America considers the United Nations support and humanitarian aid organizations for Afghan people, but not directly working with the Taliban.
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Taliban is about to reopen Kabul airport
The Taliban collaborated with Qatar repair and soon reopened to Kabul airport to receive aid as well as resume civil aviation services.
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Chairman of the National Assembly in Europe, promoting diplomacy vaccine
Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue will lead the Senior Mission of Europe, deploying the Party and State's diplomatic diplomacy.
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