US message sent Chinese when causing explosion by the carrier
The US consecutively tested explosion edge USS Gerald R. Ford seemed to send messages that were not afraid of Chinese aircraft killer missiles.
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America tried the device from the continental rocket
The US Air Force launched Minuteman III ballistic missiles carrying means of revolutions to check the operation.
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The case does not scare the network of nearly 2,000 prisoners in 1944
He attacked the German ships without knowing more than 2,000 Soviet prisoners on it, causing marine disasters off Norway.
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American soldiers refused immunizations may have to go to the Court of Binh
When the US military forced vaccination of Covid-19, non-compliance soldiers could be punished for administration or must go to military courts.
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American captain is praised for self-cleaning the aircraft sump
Captain Walsh was praised by the US Air Force for herself smoking toilets on the KC-10 supply aircraft, although this is a job of low-level soldiers.
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India suspected to build a secret base of Chinese response
India poured money to build infrastructure on Mauritius's North Agalega Island, but this is likely to be Chinese counterweight military base.
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Korea still exercises with the US regardless of warning from Korea
South Korea decided to exercise with the US even though North Korea warned this job would negatively affect double-sided relations.
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UAV Hundred million US dollars plunged to the ground
The RQ-4 American reconnaissance was worth nearly 150 million USD to crashing into the ground while returning to the base, but it was unclear the cause of the accident.
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Indian domestic aircraft carrier first tested sea test
Vikrant carrier is designed by India itself and manufactures the sea test after months delayed because of Covid-19.
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Russian nuclear submarine dies machine, drifting near Denmark
Orel nuclear submarine has trouble the push system and drifted in Danish territorial waters, but the problem was quickly overcome.
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