The United States deployed UAV super transports D-21B to scout China territory, but lost control, causing the plane to fall to the Soviet territory in 1969.
In November 1969, the US Air Force did not unmanned aircraft (UAV) D-21B to take photos of Chinese nuclear facilities.

Photo: USAF
However, after completing the reconnaissance mission in China territory, the D-21B has trouble malfunctioning in the control system, unable to turn to return to the base.
D-21 is the product of Skunk Works, the independent team of Lockheed Group, originally developed to launch from the M-21 tail, the A-12 engine reconnaissance variant with a ceiling of more than 25,000 m.
Super unmanned muscle reconnaissance exceeded D-21B at the US Air Force Museum in Riverside, Ohio, April 2018.
The Soviet anti-aircraft missile combinations have shot down the U-2 reconnaissance in May 1960, causing the reconnaissance tasks of the US air force in rival parts to become more and more dangerous.
American military officials identified whether the SR-71 can fly high enough and fast enough to ensure safety, no need to take advantages with a driver who performs tasks with high risks, while UAV can
After completing the task, D-21 will launch the box containing the film out, use whether the brake to slow down the speed of the JC-130 dedicated aircraft "grabbed" between the air, similar to the film transfer

Photo: USAF
After the series of incidents related to the UAV launcher process, including a serious accident that causes an M-21 plane to fall and pilots, SKUKK Works developed D-21B to launch from B-52H strategic strategic bombers
M-21 aircraft carrying UAV D-21 on a 1966 test trip. Photo: USAF.
US Air Force 4 Tests use B-52 Bombs, take off from Guam Island, launch the UAV D-21B to perform the task of taking photos of NOR NOR NORTH TINH in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Zone
However, the D-21B encountered the trouble right in the first test, when it flew across the bucket - medium and fell to the Siberia region.
Soviet aviation officials and engineers are particularly interested in UAV D-21B after obtaining the aircraft in Siberia.
"Many leading corporations and organizations in the Aviation Industry, Electronics and Soviet Defense received the design of the design and design of the D-21 material, as well as the manufacturing technology and equipment of the unit

Photo: USAF
B-52 muscle bombing carries two UAV D-21B in a test trip.
The Soviet Union deployed the Voron scheme to develop UAV strategic reconnaissance.
UAV will then fly according to the roadmap lined up by the inertic navigation system.
However, Voron's fate is not different from D-21 when the unit developed "abandoned", in the context of the role of muscle reconnaissance to spy satellite hands, which is capable of flying through foreign territory
"The Soviet Union for Lockheed designers most sincere praise when copying their products", National Interest editor Michael Peck wrote.