New York Times's analysis of medical data from India showed that the number of people died in this country could be much higher than statistics, up to 4.2 million people.
After consulting more than a dozen experts, New York Times analyzes the number of infections, deaths in India, along with the results of large-scale antibody tests, to provide some feasible estimates

Photo: Reuters
The victims of Covid-19 were painful at the cremation ceremony in Srinagar, India on May 25.
According to the analysis published on May 25, with the "most praised estimate", about 600,000 patients may have died because of Covid-19, double India's official statistics are over 300,000 among the range.
Nytimes added that in the "more likely scenarios", about 1.6 million Indians may have died, crossing Brazil and the US, the only two countries currently recorded the number of deaths due to Covid-
In the "worst scenario", 4.2 million people may have died in the country of 1.4 billion.
The factors that complexize the attempt to take death of death because Covid-19 is difficult to state the situation in remote areas, remote areas, including Kashmir area devastated by conflict, close medical system "
The second Covid-19 wave made an Indian medical system broke due to medical oxygen deficiency, treatment and vaccine.
The medical crisis currently cooled down in major cities like New Delhi and Mumbai, the number of cases of Covid-19 daily in India also gradually decreased after reaching the peak on May 9.
India was injected over 196 million doses of Vaccine Covid-19 since the mid-January, but only 3.8% of the population was injected with two vaccines.