The $ 2.8 million ZIS-115 limousie used to serve the late Soviet leader Stalin was stolen from a garage in Moscow.
The burglary occurred on the night of December 26 when six thieves broke into a garage north of Moscow and took the armored mimousine. It was reported that thieves used a tow truck to get the ZIS-115 away because it weighed 4.2 tons.

A ZIS-115 limousine Photo: Wikipedia/ Neodarkshadow
ZIS-115 is an armored vehicle manufactured specifically by ZIS for Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The armor of the vehicle is very thick, able to withstand FMJ rifles from a distance of 25 meters (the car window is also resistant to similar bullets) or a grenade explosion under the car.
It is unclear why this rare vehicle was parked in a regular garage and did not seem to be well-protected because only 56 ZIS-115s were produced between 1949 and 1955. It was based on a limousine. ZIS-110 is not armored and the manufacturer has tried its best to make the two vehicles look identical.
ZIS-110 was produced in larger quantities with more than 2,000 units from 1945 to 1961. In addition to carrying high-ranking Soviet officials, ZIS-110 was also used as a taxi.
Although Russian media widely reported, no official information about the car theft has been announced.