Putin said the ruling banned Russia from attending the World Cup and Olympics for four years with political motives and was "in conflict with the Olympic Charter".
"There is nothing to blame on the Russian Olympic Committee and if there is no blame on the agency, Russia should participate in the competition under its own flag," Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the sidelines of the summit. 4-party peak in Paris, France on 12/12.

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference after a summit in Paris on December 9 Photo: AFP
The comments came hours after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) passed a ban on Russia participating in four-year world sports competitions, including the Summer 2020 Olympics, the 2022 Winter Olympics and the 2022 World Cup. Russia has 21 days to accept the ban or appeal to the International Sports Court (CAS).
According to analyst Patrick Henningsen, the WADA's decision is to humiliate Russia, discourage athletes and hurt Putin. "For every leader, sport is always associated with national pride," the expert said.
Russian athletes can participate in a neutral manner, not representing Russia so there will be no national flag or anthem when playing, according to a WADA official.
The WADA ban relates to the case that the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) did not cooperate fully in the investigation of sports fraud. According to the report, data on Russian doping has been changed outside of WADA control. The World Anti-Doping Agency claims to have evidence accusing Russia of implementing an "unprecedented scale and doping program".