The North Korean mission to the UN said a diplomat in New York had received an anonymous threatening letter earlier this year.

This information was presented by the Relations Committee with the Host Country in a report submitted to the 74th session of the UN General Assembly on November 4. According to the report, a North Korean representative to the United Nations in June said a man in April had placed a "small parcel" in front of the apartment of a diplomat who was the ambassador's ambassador.


North Korean diplomats at the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September 2018 Photo: Yonhap.

"The parcel included a threatening letter, two small bottles allegedly containing alcohol, and three photographs of the official parking lot marked X," the report said.

In an anonymous letter, the North Korean diplomat was asked to "secretly cooperate with a designated organization," and threatened the official if he refused to cooperate.

North Korea has demanded that the host nation be held accountable for all the consequences that may have resulted from the incident, but the New York Police Department and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation conclude that the North Korean delegation "is currently not meeting." danger".

Pyongyang then accused Washington of "insincere" when investigating and declaring that attitude showed the US was behind the threat, according to a report by the Relations Committee with the Host Country.