Netherlands F-35A fighters risk a stealthy shell damage because fire trucks at Leeuwarden base mistakenly sprayed fire-fighting foam during the welcoming ceremony.
Netherlands Air Force yesterday held a ceremony to welcome the first F-35A stealth fighter to be staffed at Leeuwarden Air Base, in the north of the country. According to the welcoming scenario, after landing on the base, the aircraft moved to the assembly area and two fire engines will spray water to welcome the F-35A rolling over.

The F-35A covered with fire-fighting foam during the ceremony Photo: Reddit
However, instead of spraying water as planned, the fire engines sprayed foam fire and made F-35A super fighters covered with foam.
"Firefighters at the airport were mobilized to respond to an emergency situation of an F-16 fighter while preparing to pick up the F-35A. When they returned to the assembly site, they forgot to switch the nozzle switch. from 'fire-fighting foam' to 'water', 'said Krijgnog5eurovanje on Reddit.
It is not clear if the F-35A was damaged due to this incident, especially when the aircraft engine also partially absorbed the foam during the move. "Conventional aircraft only need to spray water to wash away the foam and will not suffer long-term consequences. However, stealth fighters like the F-35 have a very sensitive outer shell, especially the radar-absorbing material. on the fuselage, "said military expert Joseph Trevithick.
Water salute is a solemn activity to welcome or goodbye special meaningful flights at each airport. According to this ritual, two fire engines will use high-pressure hose to spray water into an arc to allow the aircraft to pass.
The Dutch Air Force ordered a total of 46 F-35A fighters, of which the first 8 were delivered during 2016-2019 but stationed in the United States to participate in pilot training. The plane landed on Leeuwarden base on November 1, fully assembled in Italy and flew directly to the Netherlands.