Epidemiologist Ngo Ton Huu confirmed that Beijing has controlled the new epidemic cluster, although sporadic cases will appear in the near future.
"The disease in Beijing is under control. However, when I say the disease is under control, that doesn't mean the number of cases will be zero tomorrow or the day after," said Wu Zun Huu, epidemiologist.

People line up for samples in Beijing and China on June 17 Photo: Reuters
Beijing has recorded 158 cases of nCoV infection since the first case of the Tan Phat Dia epidemic was confirmed on June 11.
Although the increase in infections has been negligible compared to many epidemic regions around the world, Beijing officials have urgently taken action to limit the risk of infection in the city.
According to Wu, the epidemic in Beijing reached a peak on June 13 when the city recorded 36 new infections in 24 hours.
"The trend of increasing infections will last for a while, but the number of infections will decrease, similar to the trend we saw in Beijing in January and February," Wu added.
China National Health Commission (NHC) today said Beijing recorded an additional 21 cases of nCoV, down 10 from the previous day.
Updated: 18:21, 18/6 | Source: WorldOMeters