China The image of "Ms. Liu" wearing a red shirt, wig and blushing cheeks attracts a glance at the market in Quan Trung village, Fujian province.
"Ms. Liu" or Liu Boi Lam, a 63-year-old transgender person, is not only famous in Quan Trung Village in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, but throughout China.

Liu Bei sits on a bicycle in Quan Trung Village, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China in November Photo: Reuters
When reporting on a fire in a residential area in Qingdao City in 2012, Chinese media accidentally recorded a man wearing a woman's clothes, purple hair with colorful accessories. The video went viral afterward and Chinese internet users dubbed him the "funny brother" to ridicule the way women are dressed.
The man in the video is Liu, who has been longing to be a woman since he was a child, but has had to bury that for decades.
"At the time, this was not allowed. I had to bury my desire in my heart because it was not appropriate for society then," Liu said, referring to the period of Cultural Revolution in China. At 40 years old, Liu can comfortably wear women's clothes, after China has reformed its doors.
The popularity of the internet made Liu nicknamed badly and ridiculed by many, but it also helped Liu receive a lot of support from the community. Earlier this year, Liu was at risk of being kicked out when the landlord in Qingdao increased his rent. People who knew him helped move to Quan Trung village, a suburb of Fuzhou City, in March.
Save many fans called "Ms. Luu" and was given clothes and books, but also some stigma.
"We know he is not a bad person, but the way he behaves and dresses like a woman is really unsightly. Some people think he is crazy," an official of Quan Trung village said.
Liu said her desire to have transgender surgery was not enough. Saving usually keeps everything that happens in life by journaling.
"I hope to have a normal life in the future after transgender surgery. I want to get married and have a family of my own. Not necessarily having children, I just need a companion for the rest of my life." again ", Save share.