the US withdrew from Syria


Trump's unpredictability causes skepticism for Korea

PreciousSufiah 09 Nov 2019

After Trump withdrew his troops from Syria and continued to urge South Korea to increase its military spending, skepticism quickly increased in Seoul.

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The US first patrol the Syrian border after the withdrawal

TamraLeeWhite 31 Oct 2019

Five U.S. flagged armored vehicles patrol the northern town of Qahtaniyah, the first since the US pulled out of Syria earlier this month.

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Trump likens fighting in Syria to 'children fighting'

HeatherEngland 18 Oct 2019

Trump explained that he let Turkey and the Kurds clash in Syria because the two sides "were like children fighting".

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US bombs destroyed ammunition abandoned in Syria

LoniJohnson 17 Oct 2019

Two F-15E fighters destroyed the arsenal at the Lafarge factory, where American soldiers had once been headquarters but left when hurriedly withdrew from Syria.

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American soldiers 'bite their conscience' for leaving the Kurds

RubyMejia 15 Oct 2019

"We have broken their faith, causing a stain on American conscience," said a US soldier fighting the Kurds in Syria.

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