America may have to choose Covid-19 patient treatment
CA COVID-19 sharply increased overloading US hospitals, making some states to issue standards to select patients to treat in the case of crisis.
continue readingCA COVID-19 sharply increased overloading US hospitals, making some states to issue standards to select patients to treat in the case of crisis.
continue readingDr. Australia warns that hospitals in this country are not ready to respond to the re-opening plan, although the vaccination rate increases.
continue readingMore than 100 people infected with NCOV in Thailand have been taken to their homeland to reduce the burden on the health system in Bangkok.
continue readingStruggling to find a hospital to treat, online to save oxygen sources, many embassies in India are also trying to manage the magazine between pandemic.
continue readingThe focus of the pandemic is now moving hours to poor countries, especially in Asia and Latin America, with the number of deaths that may exceed the total of 2020.
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