kabul airport


Taliban is about to reopen Kabul airport

The Taliban collaborated with Qatar repair and soon reopened to Kabul airport to receive aid as well as resume civil aviation services.

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Qatar helps Taliban restore Kabul airport activities

Trisha Redlund 02 Sep 2021

A Qatar technical team to Kabul to discuss how to resume the capital airport operation after the Taliban take over Afghanistan.

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Suicide bombing outside Kabul airport, at least 13 people died

Linalyn Ramos 26 Aug 2021

The explosions occurred in a row outside Kabul, Afghanistan, suspected of attacking dead doses, causing at least 13 people to die and many people were injured.

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Taliban ban people to Kabul airport

Crystal Howell 24 Aug 2021

The Taliban announced that the Afghan people were not allowed to leave the country, and warned the evacuation campaign to end after August 31.

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