The 'October gift' didn't come to Trump
When polls showed Biden in the lead, Trump had been hoping a "October surprise" would turn things around, but it never came.
continue readingWhen polls showed Biden in the lead, Trump had been hoping a "October surprise" would turn things around, but it never came.
continue readingPresident Trump kicked off his two-day sprint campaign with 10 rallies in battlefield states as Biden took the lead in numerous surveys.
continue readingPresident Trump kicked off his two-day sprint campaign with 10 rallies in battlefield states as Biden took the lead in numerous surveys.
continue readingJill Biden is no stranger to the political scene, being a senator's wife for a long time and becoming the second lady of America for 8 years.
continue readingThe US Presidential Debate Committee caught the attention of Trump and Biden's decision to turn off microphones when the opponent spoke in the final "glove".
continue readingFormer US President Obama will go to states to call voters to vote for former deputy Biden in the final weeks of the campaign.
continue readingPennsylvania state officials found that a seasonal election official had thrown nine mail ballots in the trash, seven of which went to Trump.
continue readingPence's remarks are supposed to summarize the Republican message at the national convention that the Trump administration has helped America great.
continue readingAmid the recession with millions of job losers, Trump's economic credit rating remains high, largely due to political polarization.
continue readingIf Biden is elected president, warm letters or a noisy summit between Washington and Pyongyang are thought to be gone.
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