US Senate


Georgia voters lined up to elect senators early in the morning

Ingrid Viaene 05 Jan 2021

USA Many Georgians line up early in the morning to vote for the two available senator seats in the state, deciding which party holds the Senate.

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The Senate Committee approves judge Trump's nomination

Sajid Shah 22 Oct 2020

The US Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of judge Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court, although Democrats boycotted the vote.

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US Congress passed the Chinese sanctions bill

Toni Sandell 02 Jul 2020

The US House of Representatives passed a bill to punish Chinese banks involving officials in Hong Kong security law enforcement and urged Trump to sign the law.

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The US Senate passes the Chinese sanctions bill

Stacy Smith 25 Jun 2020

The US Senate passes a bill that could help the Trump administration punish China for enacting Hong Kong security laws.

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Trump warned of the risk of being 'tied up'.

MDRanaUsman 13 Feb 2020

Trump said the US House of Representatives resolution preventing him from waging war on Iran was "tied the President's hand", calling on the Senate not to pass.

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How is Trump impeached?

MarisaSalas 19 Dec 2019

The US House of Representatives has passed two terms impeaching Trump and they will be decided in the Senate, where Republicans take control.

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China summoned the US ambassador because of the Hong Kong bill

MarinaEgorova 20 Nov 2019

The Chinese Foreign Ministry summoned the US ambassador to protest and warned of a response after the US Senate passed the Hong Kong bill.

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