

Chinese fighters continued to practice close to Taiwan island

Donna Getty 22 Feb 2021

Dozens of Chinese military planes and Chinese warships rehearsed for two consecutive days near the Dongsha archipelago, prompting Taiwan to deal with fighters.

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The US urged China to stop putting pressure on Taiwan

Tracee Kline 24 Jan 2021

The US expressed concern about China putting pressure on Taiwan, announcing to strengthen relations between Washington and Taipei.

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Two American warships passed through the Taiwan Strait

Ben Myers 31 Dec 2020

American warships passed through the Taiwan Strait for the second time this month, prompting China to dispatch its forces to follow and speak out in protest.

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Taiwan fired the pilot to cause domestic Covid-19 case

Peggy Hurst 23 Dec 2020

EVA Airways fired the pilot who infused a 30-year-old woman with nCoV, prompting Taiwan to report its first domestic Covid-19 case in more than eight months.

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A Chinese aircraft carrier is about to rehearse in the South China Sea

Oshi Amarasinghe 21 Dec 2020

The Shandong carrier group passed through the Taiwan Strait to the South China Sea for maneuvers, the day after US warships crossed the area.

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Billion dollar 'divine eye' helps the US detect Chinese missiles early

Jerry Wickizer 07 Dec 2020

A $ 1.4 billion real-world radar on Taiwan Island can help the US detect Chinese ballistic missiles as soon as they leave the launch pad.

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It is difficult for China to punish the US arms corporation

Jon Lavigne 28 Oct 2020

China announced to punish three US defense corporations involved in selling weapons to Taiwan, but this measure is nearly impossible to apply.

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China criticized the US for approving the sale of missiles to Taiwan

Ester Jamisola 27 Oct 2020

China announced it would "take necessary measures" to protect sovereignty after the US approved the sale of 400 anti-ship missiles to Taiwan.

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China's hypersonic missile 'deterrence' the US

Karen Gaeta 20 Oct 2020

Chinese experts believe that the DF-17 supersonic missile array located near Taiwan will deter the US and its allies from interfering in the strait situation.

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Chinese missile tactic defeats U-2 reconnaissance in 1962

The Chinese air defense applied ambush tactic, turned off the radar to surprise before shooting down US-made U-2 reconnaissance in 1962.

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