Concerning Vietnam


Vietnamese girls stuck in the Philippines looking forward to returning home to cure heart disease

Foziya Khan 02 Aug 2020

Nguyen Ha Trang, from Manila, Philippines, did not register to Vietnam to avoid Covid-19 despite being stuck from mid-March, until he received a certificate of an open heart valve.

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The US signals a 'more comprehensive strategy' for the South China Sea

Daniel Lovett 17 Jul 2020

The US declaration of the South China Sea could be a sign that Washington will strengthen more measures to challenge China's claims, experts say.

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It is suggested that Lao PDR further assess the impact of Luang Prabang Dam

Mya Shaw 01 Jul 2020

Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam asked Laos to consider new proposals with the Luang Prabang hydropower project, when the Mekong River Commission finalized the project consultation on June 30.

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Prime Minister: ASEAN wants to restore COC negotiations soon

Jamie Biancalana 26 Jun 2020

The Vietnamese Prime Minister said the discussion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) between ASEAN and China was disrupted due to Covid-19, suggesting an early restoration.

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