WHO said that watching NCOV's new strains, called MU, was first identified in Colombia in January and at risk of vaccine resistance.

MU strains have a series of mutations that show the potential characteristics of immunization capabilities, weekly pandemic updates on August 31 of the World Health Organization (WHO).


Photo: AFP

According to WHO, MU, the scientific name B.1.621, has been classified as the strain of interest and emphasizes deep research to better understand it.

More and more people are concerned about the new strain appearance, in the context of global infection rates.

Medical staff moved Covid-19 patients to ambulance at Pierre Zobda-Quitman University Hospital (Chu) on Martinique Island, in the Caribbean region of France, on August 29.

All viruses, including SARS-COV-2 causing Covid-19 pandemic, are mutated over time and most mutations have little or do not affect the characteristics of the virus.

However, certain mutations can affect the characteristics of the virus such as the level of spread, severity of symptoms, as well as vaccine resistance, drugs and other response measures.

WHO currently identified 4 concerned Covid-19 strains, including Alpha, which appeared in 193 countries, and Delta, appearing in 170 countries.

After being discovered in Colombia, MU has been recorded in other South American and European countries.