WHO announced a large international trial of three Covid-19 treatments, to find out whether they help improve the patient's condition.
Three drugs including artesunate, imatinib and infliximab will be tested on Covid-19 patients in more than 600 hospitals in 52 countries, according to the notice of the World Health Organization (WHO) today.

Photo: Texas Tribune
Searching for effective and accessible therapies for Covid-19 patients is still an important demand, General Manager of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said.
Nurse treatment for Covid-19 patients at Goodall-Witcher Hospital in Clifton City, Texas, USA on August 3.
Artesunate is a drug to treat malaria, IMatinib is a drug used for some cancers and infliximab is a medication to treat immune systems such as Crohn's disease (chronic transcolinitis) or rheumatoid arthritis.
Three drugs have been donated by manufacturers to conduct tests and are being transferred to related hospitals.
Covid-19, outbreaks from Wuhan City, China at the end of 2019, which made more than 205 million people infected and more than 4.3 million people died globally, according to real-time Worldometers statistics page.
4,54 billion doses of Vaccine Covid-19 were vaccinated around the world, with an average of 36.66 million doses a day.