Singaporeyu Xuan weighs only 212g when born, considered the smallest newborn baby in the world, but was discharged after 13 months of positive care.

Kwek Yu Xuan was born without 25 weeks of pregnancy, much lower than the 40-week average of other babies.


Photo: BBC

Kwek Yu Xuan is small and weak when born at Singapore National University Hospital last year.

Yu Xuan was born in July 2020, weighing only 212g, equal to the weight of an apple, and 24 cm long.

According to Singapore National University Hospital (NUH), where Yu Xuan was born, the baby's chance was very low.

However, after 13 months of positive care, Yu Xuan is currently 6.3kg, a lot better.


Photo: NUH

Faced with the risk of health complications when born, baby inspired people around them.

Kwek Yu Xuan was healthy on the parents on August 9 after 13 months of active care at NUH.

During the hospital stay, Yu Xuan was treated in many ways and relied on different types of machines to maintain life.

Baby's mother, Wong Mei Ling, said that Yu Xuan's early birth was a shock, because her first son's heart, now 4 years old, was born when enough.