AmericaRichard, premature baby with a weight over 300 g, welcoming the first birthday despite being in the group with 0% of survival.

Richard Scott William Hutchinson welcomed his first birthday on June 5, his family and three dogs.


Photo: Guinness.

Richard was born with a weight of 337 g at Minnesota Children's Hospital in Minneapolis in June last year, after Beth had medical complications caused her to transcend in the 5th month of pregnancy.

Richard welcomed birthday at the house in St Croix County, Wisconsin state on June 5.

Being born in front of 131 days, Richard was so small that parents could only hug me in the palm.

When Rick and Beth are prenatal advice on possible risks with premature babies, our team evaluates the ability to survive is 0%, Dr. Stacy Kern, a newborn doctor, said.

Due to Covid-19, Richard's parents cannot stay at overnight hospitals and other family members cannot visit.

We want to make sure they are always present to support children.

In December 2020, after 6 months of hospitalization, Richard was able to return home.

Beth, Richard's mother, shared until now they still felt surprised about Richard could win destined.