If the Ukrainian nuclear attack decides, Russia is expected to use only tactical warheads with limited effects to send deterrent messages.
Vice Chairman of Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev on September 27 announced on the Telegram that Moscow had the right to use nuclear weapons if necessary.

Photo: Reuters.
Imagine Russia is forced to use the most terrifying weapon against the Ukrainian government, the party has made large -scale aggressive actions, threatening the survival of the Russian State, he wrote.
A cross -continental ballistic missile system of the Russian army during the victory day in May 2019 at the Red Square in Moscow.
The comment of Mr. Medvedev came after President Vladimir Putin emphasized that Russia could use all available tools, including weapons with different levels of destruction, to protect the whole whole.
Putin and Medvedev's statements have raised concerns in the West about the risk of Russia that will use nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian conflict.
I think this is a clear message that NATO is sending to Russia, Foreign Minister said.
Experts still do not believe President Putin is ready to become the first to order nuclear weapons since the US threw two atomic bombs down to Japan in 1945. However, they also built some.
Analysts told AFP that in the case of using this destructive weapon on the battlefield of Ukraine, Russia may deploy one or more small tactical nuclear bombs.
This is a small bomb, exploding from 0.3 kiloton to 100 kiloton, much lower than the 1.2 -megaton explosion on the largest strategic nuclear warhead of the US or the 58 -megaton bomb that Russia tested the year year.
The tactical nuclear bomb is designed to only have a limited impact on the battlefield, while the strategic nuclear weapon has great destructive power often used in the decisive attack during a comprehensive war.
But with nuclear weapons, small and limited is only relative.
Analysts say that if using tactical nuclear bombs, the purpose of Russia is to make Ukraine so scared that the decision to surrender or accept to participate in negotiations provided by Moscow, and at the same time
Mark Cancian, military expert at the Center for Strategic and International Research (CSIS), headquartered in Washington, USA, said that Russia will not use nuclear weapons to attack Ukrainian military units on money
Ukrainian units are arranged to spread along the hundreds of kilometers long, while to attack a 32 km long room, Russia will have to use many tactical nuclear bombs.
However, the benefits that these bombs will be too small compared to the risk of Russia's decision to use nuclear weapons as well as the risk of radioactive dust.
Instead, Moscow can broadcast a strong deterrent message and avoid significant casualties by exploding a nuclear bomb on the surface of the sea or in the sky of Ukraine, in order to create an electromagnetic pulse to paralyze the equipment.
But it is not excluded that Russia will choose to attack an Ukrainian military base or attack an urban center and cause mass casualties, even targeting Ukraine's political leadership, according to Cancian.
Such scenarios to divide NATO and the Western solidarity against Russia, Jon Wolfsthal, former White House nuclear policy expert, evaluated.
It is not clear whether it will succeed, but this method can easily be seen as a desperate act of Russia when being cornered on the wall, he said.
Until now, the West is still very vague about how they will respond to a tactical nuclear attack from Russia.
The US and NATO do not want to be weak at Russia's nuclear threat.
According to experts, the West will have no choice but to respond if Russia attacks the nuclear, but the reaction should come from NATO as a block, not just the US.
The US has arranged about 100 tactical nuclear weapons in NATO member countries and is ready to respond to Russia if the worst scenario occurs.
Matthew Kroenig, an expert from the Atlantic Council, said the warning from the West will help them demonstrate their determination and remind Russia about the risks of the decision to use nuclear weapons.
However, it can also agitate a nuclear retention from the Russian side, increasing the risk of a wide -class nuclear war, worsening the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine, he noted.
Another possible risk is that some NATO members may not agree with the use of nuclear weapons to respond to Russia, exactly as the purpose of weakening and dividing the Russian alliance.
Responding to a nuclear attack by traditional military or diplomatic measures, and providing Ukraine with many damage weapons to deal with Russia, may be a more effective method, according to analysts.
Russia's use of nuclear weapons can bring the opportunity to persuade the nations to refuse to participate in increasing sanctions on Moscow, such as India or even China, Kroenig.
In addition, the United States can provide Ukraine with NATO fighters, Patriot missile complex, final high -end missile defense complex (THAAD) or ATACMS long -range missiles to help the army of this country counterattack.
In the case of activated nuclear weapons, the West should eliminate all the limitations they have set for military assistance efforts to Ukraine, Cancian.
However, CNN's commentator Nick Paton Wals said that despite increasing threats, the nuclear weapon script used on the battlefield of Ukraine is still unlikely, because it contains too many risks of
In addition to the risk of being responded by NATO by military measures, Russia is also difficult to ensure that the nuclear attack they launched achieved the desired accuracy and efficiency, while the price had to pay too high,