General Donahue was the last to go to the C-17 transport to Afghanistan, because the US Army said that the commander must be the last soldier to leave the battlefield.

The 20-year military campaign lasted by the US military in Afghanistan ended with the image of Major General Christopher Donahue, in the field uniform and carrying carbine M4 guns, walking on Kabul airport runway to transport C-



Colonel Joe Buccino, a military spokesman 18, said General Donahue, who was in charge of the US unit supporting the evacuation campaign at Kabul airport, must ensure all soldiers under the right are on the C-

The evacuation campaign in Afghanistan lasted two weeks was General Donahue's second field deployment after he graduated from the American Military Academy in West Point in 1992.

Wesley Morgan, the author of a book on a US campaign in Afghanistan, said Donahue had commanded a Delta task force on this Central Asian national task.

Major General Christopher Donahue stepped up the C-17 transport to leave Kabul, Afghanistan on August 30.

Photo of General Donahue stepped up to transport C-17, was taken with a night view of a soldier under the right, showing that the Major General Bring the equipment is not different from normal tasks, on the uniform without a good jaw

David Cotter, Head of the military history of the commander of the commander and the US Army officer at the Fort Leavenworth base, Kansas said that General Donahue was the last US soldier to leave Afghanistan in the tradition of this army

On the battlefield and in combat, the commander is the last meal, after the soldiers under the right have been eaten, Cotter said.

General Donahua prompted the commanding tradition as the last person to leave the US Army's battlefield in a podcast on June 17, when he confirmed that the division of 82 was moving in culture but according to all soldiers

General Donahue commanded a battalion and a brigade of the division of 82 to Afghanistan to support the campaign to evacuate the US, Afghanistan and other countries left Central Asia.

Donahue and American reciprocal in Afghanistan Ross Wilson are the last two steps to the US Air Force C-17 transport from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 30.