Secretary of Commerce Anh Conor Burns was fired from the government of Prime Minister Liz Truss for allegedly touching the careless movement for a young man.
Witnesses said Mr. Burns on October 4 was seen with this inappropriate behavior in the Hyatt Regency Hotel bar in Birmingham, where at that time was a conference of the Conservative Party, BBC on October 8

Photo: PA.
Commercial Minister Anh Conor Burns before being fired.
Witnesses said they saw Minister Burns put their hands on the young man's thigh, adding that others at the bar were also seen.
Minister Burns denied all wrongdoing, and affirmed that he would clarify the incident to regain his reputation.
The Allies of Minister Burns said he was taking medicine to control the pain after the rib trauma.
However, some conservative parliamentarians said that the Party was too hasty to suspend Burns' work.