Message a Thai Shipper asks women to wear a bra when receiving goods that are controversial harshly on this social network.
Please wear a bra when you receive it.

Photo: Bangkok Post.
The post then causes a harsh debate, especially from Thai women who believe that Shipper's message contains sensitive content and is absolutely inappropriate.
A woman wearing a bra or not wearing her right.
Many people also protect the rights of women, think that many women feel comfortable without wearing a bra at home and they think it's not necessarily wearing a bra when she points out of food for a few minutes.
An employee of Foodpanda uniforms in Thailand.
However, some people did not agree with that view.
Foodpanda Thailand has apologized for the incident and committed to investigating and discipline Shipper sends sensitive messages.
The leader of the Thai Women's and Family Development Jintana Chanbumrung said she sent a letter to ask for Foodpanda to select more staff.
When referring to this incident, Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen, Deputy Royal Thai Police spokesman, said the Shipper harass customers can prison a month or pose a fine of 10,000 Bath (about 303 USD).