South Korea reached about 100,000 members due to the super-infectious scandal of Covid-19, Tan Thien Dia arrested abroad to recruit members because it was difficult to erase bad voices in the country.

When Elizabeth Peters was invited to attend a Christian exchanges at a cafe in London, she hoped to discover religious views in a comfortable, intimate and non-bound scenery.


Photo: AFP

At that time, Peters didn't know this was the beginning for a year she had to bind to a Korean denomination, making her feel exhausted, isolated and stuck.

Lee Man-hee's New Hosts Lee Man-hee in Seoul last year.

The exchange was held by Tan Thien Dia denomination, the controversial religious movement was founded in 1984 by Lee Man-Hee, 89 years old, claiming to be the successor of Jesus.

But no one told Peters that.

After attending the first session, they asked if we wanted to go to the classrooms to interpret their own missionaries and scholars, Peters, 31 years old, said.

At that time I was pregnant, but they made me walk on the street to try to entice others, using the lies they always used to seduce rookie, Peters said.

Peters learned about the preachers of Lee Man-Hee's teachers, such as only the newlywood joiners to get eternal life, that Lee was the only one who could fully interpret the Bible, that the

They used a lot of tactics to scare, say things like 'if they don't do this, she and his family will go to hell', Peters said.

Tan Thien Dia tried to recruit foreigners like Peters since 2014. When crossing the original landmark was 140,000 members, Tan Thien Dia aim more ambitious goals than unifying all religions in the world.

In February 2020, a 61-year-old woman participated in the ceremonies at Daegu branch identified as the super-infectious person.

Suh Min-jun, at the Tan Thien Dia Catholic Counseling Center, where helping those who left the denomination and helping family members to communicate with relatives as Tan Thien Dia, saying the number of members

Before the pandemic, Tan Thien Dia had a total of 239,353 members and 31,849 of them outside Korea, Suh said.

Therefore, recruitment abroad becomes more important than ever.

Overseas, where public opinion heard about Tan Thien's scandal, people like Peters are a target target.

Then she sturdy her friend and learned that it was like a multi-level business system, her friend was once seduced to join the sect and then, she used the same method to lure Peters to join.

Peters felt sympathetic to his friend, who continued to operate for the sect and missed a lot of fun of life, including spending time with family and friends.

Suh, who opened the consulting center, also the former Tan Thien Tian.

Tan Thien Dia has established a non-governmental organization called Thien Lieng, Peace World, Light Recovery (HWPL) in 2013 as a propaganda tool to invite former presidents, ambassadors,

Foreign dignitaries such as former President Romania Emil Constantinescu and former Croatian President Stjepan Mesic attended this event and other conferences organized by HWPL since then, but many other famous guests have declined after

The conference organization is the method to create humanities for groups and collect money from members, Suh said.


Photo: AFP

Suh said that Tan Thien district needs a new goal after recruiting 140,000 members in 2013. Tan Thien Dia preached with believers that once they gathered 140,000 members, all the world people will

But because this obviously did not happen in 2013, they created the Warp conference in Seoul next year and set a new goal of unifying all religions under the Tan Tians while expanding the impact

Since then, Tan Thien believers go to universities, foreign language schools and sports clubs to recruit foreigners living in Korea.

Rainer was walking in Yeoju city, the two women came to talk and wanted to introduce him to their club.

A few days later, a 50-year-old man approached these women to meet Rainer in a cafe.

The introductory book and the video they showed me about this event seemed to have abandoned the actual content, Rainer said.

In fact, the world peace festival in 2012 that Rainer was invited to attend to show up the wealth and famous of Tan Thien Dia with Korean press.

SUH said Tan Thien Dia had an international department to celebrate members to regional branches abroad to recruit foreigners.

In the 2019 2019 article of No Cut News, an online news page operated by the Korean Catholic Communicating Network, a former member of Tan Thien Dia's international department to admit that she has taken advantage of the interest of

Last year, the Singapore government arrested 21 members from a local branch of Tan Thien Dia.

The former Tan Thien believers at a demonstration of the group outside the green house in Seoul last year.

Leticia Leal in Brazil did not know about Tan Thien Dia when he was contacted by a Korean woman via social network last year.

Their messages and video calls were originally focused on culture, but then quickly switched to religious themes and finally Leal was invited to participate in an online Bible study.

Lecturer lectures very well and has practitioners from other countries such as India and the US in the classroom through Zoom, Leal.

Like Peters, Leal has come up to learn and immediately cut off relations.

She understood that if she didn't cut the relationship soon, she could sink deep with this organization.

While there are families who will risk their lives to bring their children out of Tan Thien, others respect the freedom and let them believe in whatever they want.

For MIT-EUM, belongs to Bareun Media, operating the website specializing against the doctrines and activities of unorthodox religious groups such as Tan Thien Dia, saying that this sect has taken advantage of fears to prevent things

Peters wants to stop the team to recruit members in London.

I want to warn the people they target so they don't fall into the same situation as me or my friend, she said.