American-medium relations are now thought to be too stressful, unfavorable to lead two countries to talk, though Washington left this ability.
American National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on June 17 implies Washington is considering organizing a direct meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese President episodes NEW, a day after the White House boss met the top

Photo: Reuters
The idea of President Biden and the President to meet in some way next month, to determine our position in the relationship, as well as get a direct value dialogue as with Putin President
However, in the press conference a day later in Beijing, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman was constantly changing with no information to provide the Plan to organize the summit between the two leaders.
According to Chinese observers, although a meeting between his practice and Mr. Biden can help control military risks between the two powers, where they can achieve progress will be very difficult, when relations
Diplomatic officials in March in March conducted a stressful talk in Alaska but did not help improve the situation.
Chinese President Tap Nuoc (right) shook hands Joe Biden, then Vice President, at the Beijing People's Road Festival in December 2013.
I think China has no interest in talks, Lu Xiang, experts on issues with the US at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said.
Despite that, Sullivan seems to be quite optimistic, when it thinks that the US President meets Chinese President is now a matter of time and ways.
During his first European tour, President Biden participated in the NATO and G7 summit, where leaders expressed concern about human rights issues in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, and called for opening
These developments raise an angry response from China.
At the same time, the international relations professor at the University of People in Beijing and the Chinese government's advisor, said that there was almost no room for the compromise between the two countries in key issues.
The specialist also rated the most potential place for US-China leadership at the G20 Summit in Rome, adding any exchange, though over the phone or at least, at least
He practiced and Mr. Biden had met many times throughout their careers.
However, on June 16, when asked if he plans to conduct the exchange between old friends or not, referring to Chinese President, US President replied: I want to clarify this issue
The two leaders were discussed in February, after Biden took office.
Xin Qiang, expert on issues with the US at the university in Shanghai, said that despite the unfavorable context, he practiced and Mr. Biden still needed to conduct exchanges to relate in the right direction.
We have witnessed the US promoted the ally to criticize and attack the Chinese on a series of problems, sanctions also continued.