From a serious translation area, Chile now ranks fourth in the world about Covid-19 vaccination thanks to the right strategy and medical capacity available.
More than a quarter of the Chile population was injected at least one dose of Vaccine Covid-19, the only proportion of him, Israel and Seychelles islands achieved.

People waiting for vaccination of Covid-19 at a vaccination center in the capital Santiago, Chile, on March 16 Photo: AFP
Before Chile deployed the vaccination campaign, few people could imagine this process will be so smooth, because Chile is one of the most serious amuses in Latin America.
However, with the right strategy with some key factors, Chile has achieved great success in his immunization efforts.
"I think the pandemic problem in Chile is definitely not politicized as in the US, from wearing a mask to the blockade orders, and now the vaccine is extremely important, because of the current Chile public opinion
In the context that the world is fighting Vaccine Covid-19, Chilean does not face the lack of supply, which causes vaccination in other countries to stall.
People waiting for vaccination of Covid-19 at a vaccination center in the capital Santiago, Chile, on March 16.
Not only started negotiating with vaccine companies since April 2020, only a month after the World Health Organization (WHO) claimed to Covid-19 as a pandemic, Chile also "meals" by Saying
Their strategy was rewarded, when both Pfizer-Biontech, Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson are committed to providing Chile millions of doses of Vaccine Covid-19.
Experts assessing Chile's rapid vaccine deployment rate Unable to rely on skillful negotiation skills and willing to buy any vaccine in the market.
Chile also has a national vaccination program available, helping to distribute influenza and vaccines for children every year.
"We made this work for a long time," said Soledad Martinez, assistant to the Community Health Professor at the University of Chile, said.
Owning the centralized vaccination system means that every time a new group is eligible for vaccines, the government will hold the amount of doses needed for each community, and determine whether a point
While American people often take new hours to set injection schedules with online systems, Chileans do not need to set calendars.
For example on March 1, 64-year-old people nationwide can be injected.
The people tend to see long-term and attached to local clinics also help build trust in vaccines.
Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser, Political Scientist at Diego Portales University, said the conspiracy theory of pandemics has made him worry that Chileans will refuse Chinese vaccines, while most of the country's vaccine
According to Martinez, some Chileans originally wanted to continue waiting for Pfizer-Biontech vaccine.
Chilean officials predict 80% of the population will be fully vaccinated in Covid-19 in June, opening up the prospects to become one of the first countries to achieve community immunity.
However, the vaccination race is still difficult, in the context of NCOV infection increasing when Chilean entered winter.
"This is a happy moment. There is a light end of the tunnel, but at the same time appearing terrible numbers," Martinez said.
According to the Associate Professor Pribble, the data announced by the Government Chilean also has the differences in vaccinated objects.
This disparity may slow Chile's vaccination campaign when most of the high-income residents have finished injection, the focus is on the low-income area and more difficult to access.
The inequality in Chile is shown right in the health system.
However, the Covid-19 Vaccine is distributed through the public health system.
Juan Pablo Luna, Associate Professor of Political Science at Pontificia University Universidad Catolica de Chile, commented with many people, the lesson learned that they need more and better public services.
"I think this will eventually become a symbol for what people want to see in the country," expert reviews.