Hoang Ngoc Long never wanted children, he was hatred for their parents because they always worked away from home when he was young.
For our generation, there is no child without anything, Hoang, single boy in Guangzhou, southern China, said.

Photo: NYTimes
Hoang, 27, who are following a lifestyle called duplicated income, no children (Dink).
Hoang Ngoc Long, telephone repairer in China.
This lifestyle goes against the Chinese government's effort to prevent an upcoming demographic crisis.
The number of such people is increasing.
Despite the decision to tie the pipes of the royal pipes that seem extreme, the demographers have long warned that the number of Chinese people decided not to give birth is increasing is the main cause of the country's population increasingly
Hoang, who earned $ 630 per month thanks to mobile phone repair, said he made a decision to sterilize largely due to the wound from childhood and financial ability.
If I get married and give birth, I will still belong to the bottom of the bottom, Hoang said, referring to its entrance to the child of the poor factory workers.
When 14 years old, Hoang also left Hunan to find work in Guangdong.
Voluntarily sterilizing, especially for unmarried young people, is considered a cultural taboo in the Chinese society.
Hoang Ngoc Long exchanged with customers in Guangzhou.
Most Chinese people have heard of sterilization when the previous government applies a one-child policy to avoid population explosion.
Notice of the Government's three-child policy this week is the latest effort to reverse those issues, but some men voluntarily choose to sterilize.
Khuong, single 29-year-old coach in Fujian, said he tried to take a pipeline at about 6 hospitals and was denied.

Photo: NYTimes.
They refused to perform surgery and said 'because he was unmarried and did not have children, he was publicly going against the policy to encourage the country's reproductive breeding', Khuong said.
In March, Khuong finally found a hospital in Chengdu accepted to surgery for themselves.
I admire you.
For decades, Chinese people have a conception that they have to give birth to the monitoring of the road, showing the filial and later caregivers when they are old.
China has the largest number of singles in the world.
Young people today are not able to endure suffering like the old generation.
When discussing the new three-child policy, a government spokesman said earlier this week that the average Chinese 9X generation wanted to have 1.66 children, 10% lower than the 8X generation.
According to a 2018 study published by the Chinese Women's Study Magazine, the economic cost to raise a child since its birth up to 17,000 USD is about $ 30,000, 7 times the annual salary of the annual salary of
These numbers are often discussed on Dink forums, which also become unofficial dating sites of common persons.
Students Hoang, 24 years old, graduated from the computer industry in Wuxi City, said he had known 28-year-old girlfriend through a Dink forum.
Hoang Hoang's retirement plan is to migrate to Iceland or New Zealand, countries with good social security net.
Raising a child is a mission to trade a lot that it is not possible, he said.