Singapore recognizes the highest case of 15 months, but medical authorities believe enough resources for good treatment for severe patients.
The Ministry of Health of Singapore on September 16 recorded 910 new NCOV cases, a record high from the middle of last year, while the average number of new cases daily increased to 682, nearly 5 times higher than over 140 cases two

However, the number of serious cases in Singapore is still low, with 12 people who are in an emergency resuscitation (ICU), out of 837 people who have to be administered yesterday, up 5 people compared to the previous week
If this model continues, our health care resources can deal and treat well for more seriously affected people, Kenneth Mak, Director of Health Medical Services
Although there are encouraging signs at this time, the data is still quite primitive and we need to follow the situation in the next two weeks, Mak said.
Singapore medical staff checks the information of a person to the NCOV test on June 16.
Singapore in early September plans to re-open up and live with Covid-19.
About 82% of the 5.7 million Singaporeans have completed the Covid-19 vaccine.
Singapore Prime Minister Li Hien Long, 69 years old, was injected on September 17.