President Putin injects the second dose of Covid-19 Vaccine after injecting the first one on March 23 and encouraging Russians to mope.
"I want to inform you now, before entering this room, I have been injecting the second vaccine", he said in a television meeting on April 14.

Photo: Reuters
Russian President Putin attended a meeting in Moskva, Russia on April 14.
Putin, 68 years old, was injected the first vaccine on March 23 and refused to know which vaccine was in the three types of Russia: Sputnik V, Epivaccorona or Covivac.
At the end of March, he called on the Russian vaccination, and declared that the country could end all restrictions on the translation when about 70% of adults were vaccinated.
He said that about 6.3 million out of 144 million people of the country were injected the first vaccine.
Although Russia is one of the most affected countries by Covid-19, the country has loses almost all of epidemic restrictions, medical officials said the country's worst outbreaks